snälla, gå och dränk dig !

I can't eat. I can't think. I'm shaking like it's -100 degrees but I'm warm like the sun. I can't focus. Everything i do makes me go crazy. I can't do anything I like. 'Cause it remindes me of what happend of everything that have been said and done. And I don't think I can take it much longer. I'm going to run until I can't run nomore, but I won't stop. 'Cause it takes the pain away for a moment.But after that I'm going to cry, like allways. Then I put in a fake smile and my life goes on. I'm hoping the pain will go away, but I know it won't. Sure, I've been through a lot. But this, I don't think I can survive. So live on with your life. But for one second, please look over your shoulder and see the damage you've done. 'Cause it will never be fixed with a SORRY.

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